Dolfyntjie Pre-Primêre Skool
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Welcome to Dolfyntjie Pre-Primary School!
Dolfyntjie is a Private Pre-Primary school with Christian values (bilingual), situated in the quiet street, Louis Botha Crescent, Summerstrand. Dolfyntjie officially opened its doors on 5 September 1975 and is a non-profit and unsubsidised school.
- We are a feeder school for Summerwood Primary in Summerstrand and follow the CAPS and ELDA Assessment Program.
- We offer a wide range of extra-mural activities.
- After- and holiday care is available until 17:00.
- 24/7 CCTV Surveillance in and around the school.
- Venue hire is available for children’s parties subject to Dolfyntjie learners only.
We are committed to create a happy, safe family atmosphere and caring environment through mutual respect. We aim to deliver the best quality education to our children and strive to equip learners with the necessary skills to achieve their full potential. We strive to encourage responsibility and a sense of pride towards the community, environment and country.
We strive to:
- Loving and caring guidance.
- To show sincere interest in each toddler.
- Firm discipline with love.
- To guide the children to a healthy, balanced lifestyle.
- A happy and homely environment.
- Well trained and loving staff.
- “VISSIES”: 15 months – 2 years (must be able to walk)
- “PIKKEWYNE”: 2 – 3 years
- “SEEPERDJIES”: 3 – 4 years
- “KRAPPIES”: 4 – 5 years (Gr 00)
- “WALVISSE”: 5 – 6 years (Grade R CAPS Curriculum / Six Brick)
Welkom by Dolfyntjie Pre-Primêre Skool!
Dolfyntjie is ‘n Private Pre-Primêre skool met Christelike waardes (Tweetalig), geleë in Louis Botha Singel, Somerstrand. Dolfyntjie het sy deure amptelik op 5 September 1975 geopen en is ‘n nie-winsgewende en ongesubsidieerde skool.
- Ons is ‘n voedingskool vir Laerskool Summerwood en volg die CAPS en ELDA Assesseringsprogram.
- Ons bied ‘n wye reeks buitemuurse-aktiwiteite aan.
- Nasorg asook vakansiesorg is beskikbaar tot 17:00.
- 24/7 CCTV-toesig in en om die skool.
- Kinderpartytjies vir slegs Dolfyntjie-leerders kan gereël word.
Ons is daartoe verbind om ‘n gelukkige, veilige gesinsatmosfeer en omgee-omgewing te skep deur wedersydse respek. Ons streef daarna om die beste gehalte onderwys aan ons kinders te lewer en om leerders toe te rus met die nodige vaardighede om hul volle potensiaal te bereik. Ons poog om verantwoordelikheid en ‘n gevoel van trots teenoor die gemeenskap, omgewing en land aan te moedig.
Ons streef daarna:
- Liefdevolle versoring en begeleiding.
- ‘n Opregte belangstelling in die kind.
- Ferm maar gesonde dissipline met liefde.
- ‘n Gelukkige en huislike atmosfeer.
- Goed opgeleide en liefdevolle personeel.
- Om daaglikse ‘n genotvolle en leersaame ervaring te skep.
- “VISSIES”: 15 maande – 2 jaar (moet kan loop)
- “PIKKEWYNE”: 2 – 3 jaar
- “SEEPERDJIES”: 3 – 4 jaar
- “KRAPPIES”: 4 – 5 jaar (Gr 0)
- “WALVISSE”: 5 – 6 jaar (Graad R CAPS Kurrikulum / Six Brick)